Monday, November 9, 2009

Police Issue Citation for a Dog Bite

After this past Thursday's incident, it would highly benefit Gordy Jamison to invest in dog training classes. Jamison was issued a citation for having a vicious dog after his mixed Chow bit a 6-year-old child around the ear and neck. This wasn't the dogs first time biting a small child, and something tells me issuing a citation won't make it the last. Let's just hope this isn't the case.
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Ticonderoga County School System to Close Restaurant "The Eatery"

The Eatery, where special-education students worked and learned about the food-service industry, will close at the end of this school year. According to school spokesman Randall Styles, closing the restaurant will save the school system between $20,000 and $50,000 a year. It has not been stated what the school system will do with the money they are saving, but I'm sure they'll find a way to put it to good use.
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Man Dies Because Of Car Accident At Subway Central Restaurant

John Barker, 59, died of a heart attack after a car crashed through the restaurant he was dining in. Annie Coulter, 82, drove her car into the front window of Subway Central restaurant after swerving to avoid a pedestrian. Barker was not hit by the car but moments after the crash he complained of chest pains and was taken to Memorial Hospital. Barker passed away shortly after.
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Friday, November 6, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Farms In Ticonderoga County Are Steadily Dwindling

The U.S. Department of Agriculture defines a farm as “the land on which $1,000 of farm produce is made or could be made during the year.” In Ticonderoga County, however, these family farms have been slowly dying for 40 years now. Jeff Mackey, a professor of sociology at Ticonderoga College, states that “the family farm is becoming as rare as the dinosaur.” Unfortunately, agricultural officials say there is no comeback in sight.
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City Residents Will Vote Whether or Not to Use Public Funds to Pay for Hotel

On June 5, Residents of Elizabeth County will cast a “yes” or “no” ballet deciding whether or not to use public funds as a means of paying for a new downtown hotel and new convention center. Voting is the only fair way for the resident’s voices to be heard and the only way the resident’s will be able to achieve their desired outcome. McKenzie Martin, Ticonderoga County Commissioner of Elections, stated that voting is the only “appropriate” way of handling the situation.
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Ten Commandments Legal Battle Was Lost in the First Round

Lawyers and judges visiting the Ticonderoga County Courthouse won’t be seeing the Ten Commandments anytime soon, as decided by U.S. District Judge Verdie Johnston. Lawyer John O’Kelly won a lawsuit over the display of the Ten Commandments in the Ticonderoga County courthouse. Visitors to the county courthouse will have to start going to church if they want to get their daily fix of the Ten Commandments.
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Rickey Rust Forced to Resign as Ticonderoga County High School’s Baseball Coach

Averaging almost 15 wins per season just wasn’t enough to keep Rickey Rust as head coach of Ticonderoga County High School’s baseball team. However, even with this upset Rust appears to be optimistic, stating, “everything happens for a reason and this will end up being a positive for me.” I’m sure the baseball team will get back on their winning streak in no time.
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Monday, November 2, 2009

Ford Makes Profit
Ford, a U.S. automaker, reported a surprise profit for the third quarter. Ford reported a nearly $1 billion profit, the first profit since 2008.

Ford Announces Profit in Third Quarter Earnings
U.S. automaker, Ford, announced a $1 billion profit for the third quarter. Ford attributes this surprise profit to their "Cash for Clunkers" program which allowed citizens to turn in their old cars in exchange for cash.

Ford Trumps Other U.S. Automakers
In regards to bankruptcy, Ford has nothing to worry about. While other U.S. automakers are struggling to stay afloat, Ford is back on track. Their third quarterly report stated that Ford made a nearly $1 billion dollar profit - a profit unmatched by the two other U.S. automakers.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


My name is Shelby. I am a sophomore at the University of South Carolina and LOVE it. My favorite part about college is being in my sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha . My 2 absolute favorite things in life are pink and sparkly. Almost everything in my room is either pink or sparkely:
  • my bedspread
  • my towels
  • my phone
  • my initials hanging on my wall
  • and my pillows. I love shopping and am addicted to online shopping. My favorite stores are Nordstroms and Urban Outfitters . The thing I miss most about being away from home is my dog Molly. She's a Teacup Yorkiepoo and weighs 4.5 lbs. That's my life! Hope you enjoyed reading my blog!
  • Friday, October 30, 2009


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    Wednesday, October 28, 2009

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    My hometown is Rockville, MD
    I am wearing a garnet colored shirt
    My name is Shelby Benkert